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Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 1234]
oCBitmapRepresents a monochrome bitmap within main memory
|\CDMDHandle large dot matrix displays composed of LED's
oCBlinkLEDBlink a LED on a digital output pin
oCCharlieplexManage an array of LED's in a charlieplexed arrangement
oCChaseLEDsChase LED's on output pins in a defined sequence
oCEEPROM24Reading and writing EEPROM's from the 24LCXX family
oCFieldManages a single data input/output field within a Form
|oCBoolFieldField that manages the input of a boolean value
|oCIntFieldField that manages the input of an integer value
|oCListFieldField that manages selection from a static list of items
|oCTextFieldField that displays a read-only text value
|\CTimeFieldField that manages the display and editing of a time value
oCFormManager for a form containing data input/output fields
oCI2CMasterAbstract base class for I2C master implementations
|\CSoftI2CBit-banged implementation of an I2C master
oCIRreceiverManages the reception of RC-5 commands from an infrared remote control
|\CLCDEnhanced library for Freetronics 16x2 LCD shields
oCMelodyPlays a melody on a digital output pin using tone()
oCRTCBase class for realtime clock handlers
|oCDS1307RTCCommunicates with a DS1307 realtime clock chip via I2C
|oCDS3231RTCCommunicates with a DS3231 realtime clock chip via I2C
|\CDS3232RTCCommunicates with a DS3232 realtime clock chip via I2C
oCRTCAlarmStores alarm information from a realtime clock chip
oCRTCDateStores date information from a realtime clock chip
oCRTCTimeStores time information from a realtime clock chip
oCShellArgumentsConvenience class that encapsulates an array of shell command arguments
 \CTerminalExtended stream interface for terminal operations
  \CShellCommand-line shell access
   \CLoginShellCommand-line shell access via a login shell