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Data Fields
grain128_state_t Struct Reference

Representation of the state of Grain-128. More...

#include <internal-grain128.h>

Data Fields

uint32_t lfsr [4]
uint32_t nfsr [4]
uint64_t accum
uint64_t sr
unsigned char ks [16]
unsigned posn

Detailed Description

Representation of the state of Grain-128.

Note: The specification numbers bits starting with the most significant, so bit 0 is in the highest bit of the first word of each field below.

Field Documentation

uint64_t grain128_state_t::accum

64-bit accumulator for authentication

unsigned char grain128_state_t::ks[16]

Keystream block for auth or encrypt mode

uint32_t grain128_state_t::lfsr[4]

128-bit LFSR state for Grain-128

uint32_t grain128_state_t::nfsr[4]

128-bit NFSR state for Grain-128

unsigned grain128_state_t::posn

Current position within the keystream

uint64_t grain128_state_t::sr

64-bit shift register for authentication

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: