CAcorn128 | ACORN-128 authenticated cipher |
CAES128 | AES block cipher with 128-bit keys |
CAES192 | AES block cipher with 192-bit keys |
CAES256 | AES block cipher with 256-bit keys |
CAESCommon | Abstract base class for AES block ciphers |
CAESSmall128 | AES block cipher with 128-bit keys and reduced memory usage |
CAESSmall256 | AES block cipher with 256-bit keys and reduced memory usage |
CAESTiny128 | AES block cipher with 128-bit keys and tiny memory usage |
CAESTiny256 | AES block cipher with 256-bit keys and tiny memory usage |
CAscon128 | ASCON-128 authenticated cipher |
CAuthenticatedCipher | Abstract base class for authenticated ciphers |
CBigNumberUtil | Utilities to assist with implementing big number arithmetic |
CBLAKE2b | BLAKE2b hash algorithm |
CBLAKE2s | BLAKE2s hash algorithm |
CBlockCipher | Abstract base class for block ciphers |
CCBC | Implementation of the Cipher Block Chaining (CBC) mode for 128-bit block ciphers |
CCBCCommon | Concrete base class to assist with implementing CBC for 128-bit block ciphers |
CCFB | Implementation of the Cipher Feedback (CFB) mode for 128-bit block ciphers |
CCFBCommon | Concrete base class to assist with implementing CFB for 128-bit block ciphers |
CChaCha | ChaCha stream cipher |
CChaChaPoly | Authenticated cipher based on ChaCha and Poly1305 |
CCipher | Abstract base class for stream ciphers |
CCTR | Implementation of the Counter (CTR) mode for 128-bit block ciphers |
CCTRCommon | Concrete base class to assist with implementing CTR mode for 128-bit block ciphers |
CCurve25519 | Diffie-Hellman key agreement based on the elliptic curve modulo 2^255 - 19 |
CEAX | Implementation of the EAX authenticated cipher |
CEAXCommon | Concrete base class to assist with implementing EAX for 128-bit block ciphers |
CEd25519 | Digital signatures based on the elliptic curve modulo 2^255 - 19 |
CGCM | Implementation of the Galois Counter Mode (GCM) |
CGCMCommon | Concrete base class to assist with implementing GCM for 128-bit block ciphers |
CGF128 | Operations in the Galois field GF(2^128) |
CGHASH | Implementation of the GHASH message authenticator |
CHash | Abstract base class for cryptographic hash algorithms |
CHKDF | Implementation of the HKDF mode for hash algorithms |
CHKDFCommon | Concrete base class to assist with implementing HKDF mode for hash algorithms |
CKeccakCore | Keccak core sponge function |
CNewHope | NewHope post-quantum key exchange algorithm |
CNewHopePrivateKey | NewHope private key representation |
CNoiseSource | Abstract base class for random noise sources |
COFB | Implementation of the Output Feedback (OFB) mode for 128-bit block ciphers |
COFBCommon | Concrete base class to assist with implementing OFB for 128-bit block ciphers |
COMAC | Implementation of the OMAC message authenticator |
CP521 | Elliptic curve operations with the NIST P-521 curve |
CPoly1305 | Poly1305 message authenticator |
CRingOscillatorNoiseSource | Processes the signal from a ring oscillator based noise source |
CRNGClass | Pseudo random number generator suitable for cryptography |
CSHA1 | SHA-1 hash algorithm |
CSHA224 | SHA-224 hash algorithm |
CSHA256 | SHA-256 hash algorithm |
CSHA384 | SHA-384 hash algorithm |
CSHA3_256 | SHA3-256 hash algorithm |
CSHA3_512 | SHA3-512 hash algorithm |
CSHA512 | SHA-512 hash algorithm |
CSHAKE | Abstract base class for the SHAKE Extendable-Output Functions (XOFs) |
CSHAKE128 | SHAKE Extendable-Output Function (XOF) with 128-bit security |
CSHAKE256 | SHAKE Extendable-Output Function (XOF) with 256-bit security |
CSpeck | Speck block cipher with a 128-bit block size |
CSpeckSmall | Speck block cipher with a 128-bit block size (small-memory version) |
CSpeckTiny | Speck block cipher with a 128-bit block size (tiny-memory version) |
CTransistorNoiseSource | Processes the signal from a transistor-based noise source |
CXOF | Abstract base class for Extendable-Output Functions (XOFs) |
CXTS | Implementation of the XTS mode for 128-bit block ciphers |
CXTSCommon | Concrete base class to assist with implementing XTS mode for 128-bit block ciphers |
CXTSSingleKey | Implementation of the single-key XTS mode for 128-bit block ciphers |
CXTSSingleKeyCommon | Concrete base class to assist with implementing single-key XTS mode for 128-bit block ciphers |