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Installation instructions for Ardpicprog

The source code for Ardpicprog is available from github: There are two main parts to the source: the ardpicprog host program and the ProgramPIC sketch.

The host program can be built on GNU/Linux and other POSIX-compatible systems by typing make. The program can be built using Cygwin under Windows in either Cygwin/POSIX mode (make) or native Windows mode (make win). Once the program has been built, copy the ardpicprog binary from the host directory to somewhere on your PATH.

The ProgramPIC sketch should be uploaded to an Arduino Uno compatible board that has an appropriate PIC programming shield attached to it.

To test that the host can talk to the PIC programmer, plug the Arduino into the host computer, shut down the Serial Monitor window in the Arduino IDE, and type the following on the host (the port may be different on your machine; e.g. COM1 for native Windows mode):

ardpicprog -p /dev/ttyACM0 --list-devices

You should see a list of supported devices like the following:

Supported devices:
pic12f629*, pic12f630*, pic12f675*, pic12f676*, pic16f84, pic16f84a*,
pic16f87*, pic16f88*, pic16f627*, pic16f627a*, pic16f628*, pic16f628a*,
= autodetected

Next, put a compatible PIC device into the programming socket, ensure that the 13 volt programming voltage is applied, and then type the following:

ardpicprog -p /dev/ttyACM0 -o output.hex --skip-ones

That should dump the entire contents of the PIC device to the file output.hex.

See the documentation for the host program for more information on using Ardpicprog to read and burn PIC's.