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// This protobuf definition is placed into the public domain.
// Author: Rhys Weatherley <>
syntax = "proto3";
package Noise;
// The top-level definitions are "Certificate", "CertificateChain",
// and "EncryptedPrivateKey". The other definitions support these three.
// Fields with tag numbers 1 to 15 are reserved for use in this format
// and future versions of this format. Fields with tag numbers 16 and
// higher are available for private use extensions, although a "meta"
// block is probably a better approach for extensions.
// A certificate contains a version, information about the subject,
// and zero of more signatures over the subject information.
// The version must be 1 for this version of the format.
message Certificate {
reserved 4 to 15;
uint32 version = 1;
SubjectInfo subject = 2;
repeated Signature signatures = 3;
// A certificate chain consists of one or more certificates appended
// one after the other. The field tag is set to 8 to distinguish it
// from the fields in Certificate, which allows applications to detect
// if they are parsing a single certificate or a certificate chain.
// The first certificate is assumed to be the subject, with the remaining
// certificates providing additional information for subject verification.
message CertificateChain {
reserved 1 to 7, 9 to 15;
repeated Certificate certs = 8;
// Information about the subject/owner in a certificate and their public keys.
message SubjectInfo {
reserved 6 to 15;
string id = 1;
string name = 2;
string role = 3;
repeated PublicKeyInfo keys = 4;
repeated MetaInfo meta = 5;
// Information about a single public key.
message PublicKeyInfo {
reserved 3 to 15;
string algorithm = 1; // "25519", "448", "Ed25519", etc.
bytes key = 2; // Format depends upon the algorithm.
// Extra meta information in a certificate, for future extensions.
message MetaInfo {
reserved 3 to 15;
string name = 1;
string value = 2;
// Information about a signature on a certificate.
message Signature {
reserved 6 to 14;
string id = 1;
string name = 2;
PublicKeyInfo signing_key = 3;
string hash_algorithm = 4;
ExtraSignedInfo extra_signed_info = 5;
bytes signature = 15;
// Extra information that is included by a signer to be signed
// along with the subject information for the certificate.
message ExtraSignedInfo {
reserved 5 to 15;
bytes nonce = 1;
string valid_from = 2; // ISO 8601 format timestamp.
string valid_to = 3; // ISO 8601 format timestamp.
repeated MetaInfo meta = 4;
// Contents of an encrypted private key file. The field tag numbers are
// deliberately different from "Certificate" and "CertificateChain" to
// allow the application to detect what type of data it is processing.
message EncryptedPrivateKey {
reserved 1 to 9, 14;
uint32 version = 10; // 1 for this version of the format.
string algorithm = 11; // e.g. "ChaChaPoly_BLAKE2b_PBKDF2".
bytes salt = 12; // Salt value for input to the KDF.
uint32 iterations = 13; // Iteration count for the KDF.
bytes encrypted_data = 15; // Encrypted version of PrivateKey.
// Information about a subject's private keys. Note that this is
// identical in format to "SubjectInfo" except that the key values
// are private keys rather than public keys.
message PrivateKey {
reserved 6 to 15;
string id = 1;
string name = 2;
string role = 3;
repeated PrivateKeyInfo keys = 4;
repeated MetaInfo meta = 5;
// Information about a single private key.
message PrivateKeyInfo {
reserved 3 to 15;
string algorithm = 1; // "25519", "448", "Ed25519", etc.
bytes key = 2; // Format depends upon the algorithm.